Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Oh and by the way...

Another moaning account of my life for the last 10 weeks - you have been warned.

Toothache - Jesus fucking Christ, the next tooth along to where I had all of the other issues (when I say issues, I mean when parts of my jaw FELL OFF)which then delayed my treatment and the bones mets started getting worse.


My god the pain is incredible. After sacking my last dentist I think I rang about 15 dentists in the area, no one is taking on NHS patients so I went private. Turns out, no great shock, that I need a root canal and a crown. £1,500. So, after last time I’m sure the hospital told me any future procedures like this needed to be done by them because of the potential side effects of my bone injections. FOUR weeks of phone calls to the hospital chasing and chasing, pretty much begging I got a referral to the hospital dentist. A week later I chased up my appointment only to be told that they don’t carry out these type of procedures and I’d have to see a regular dentist. And so I got myself the next available appointment with them -4 weeks time.

So that’s me pretty much in bed the entire time, toothache, still in pain from my trip down the stairs and bladder spasms. It’s been horrible, plus the fact that we’re still in lockdown so I can’t see anyone, I don’t know how Arron has coped, I really don’t, I cry most nights, I wake up in pain crying, he gets no sleep and still has to go to work. He deserves a knighthood   ( I would never tell him that!)

Then I had an overnight stay in hotel Burton Hospital, raging temperature, vomiting for 4 days... the staff in A&E were incredible, absolutely amazing, but they didn’t quite know where the infection was. It’s safe to say that the surgical team didn’t want me and neither did the medics, in fact the medical team made me cry with how rude they were and made me feel like I was making the whole thing up - not sure how you can fake your bloods but hey. So I had a CT scan incase I had kidney stones, that came back “clear” so I was put under the care of the medics and put on a ward overnight for IV fluids, antibiotics and antisickness. I’d like to thank the ward sister that burst through the doors at 2am shouting that it was officially spring and the clocks had gone forward, that was a highlight, along with being denied analgesia incase I was sick again. Not one person listened to me about my tooth and I was treated for sepsis.

The next morning after politely telling the HCA that I could walk and there was no way that anyone was assisting me to have a shower, I was seen by a doctor.
She said that because I was feeling much better (was I? Pretty sure I’d just filled 2 sick bowls), they were going to discharge me and put it all down to me having my second covid vaccine. Oh and her boss had checked my “clear” CT scan and had noticed that one of the cysts on my liver was larger than the others so there is a 50% chance it could be cancer but she would email my Oncologist and they would look into it but could take a couple of months. Sorry what?!

After being told that I didn’t need to wait for my discharge letter and I wasn’t going home with any medication (clearly the antisickness meds I was having at home weren’t working but who cares?) me and my temperature of 37.9 left the ward and went home. 3 bottles of Orangina later I was back in my own bed.

My sister came round and did my housework, ran me a bath, absolute angel and brought meals on wheels, I have zero energy and I’m reliant upon lucozade.

Fabio showed no fucks and carried on being a little dickhead, barking for no apparent reason and just pissing where he likes....

I spoke to my secondary nurse to tell her about the scan and she said that she would put it through MTD and I’d have the results on the 16th April,
I then called the dentist to see if there had been any cancellations but they only had a small appointment available but could do something to get me out of pain - amen for that!!

My god the pain!!!!! Jesus Christ, I’ve been to the dentist and they’ve started the treatment - they’ve taken the old filling off, removed the plaque that was sitting on the nerve (apparently I’m unlucky because there wasn’t that much plaque but what there was, was sitting on the nerve), I mean really, what did I expect? So I’ve got antibiotics and a temp filling. That was yesterday, last night I almost tried crack I was in that much bastard pain, honestly it was awful, so in my stupid tiny mind I decided to take codeine, knowing that it would make me sick.... didn’t even touch the pain and my god was I sick... sorry, still sick today, and still in pain .... crack anyone?

Hollie and Sammy have really saved the day, 
Hollie got me a nightie so there’s nothing pressing on my bladder/stomach and Sammy got me an electronic heat pad - Arrons well happy that he no longer has to go up and down the “death stairs” filling my hot water bottles up! It’s really taken the edge off and I’m no longer googling crack pipes...

12th April came and went, I remained in bed but could see everyone on social media out with friends, all I could think about was having a larger shandy in a beer garden but as I could only just make it to the bathroom I was sensible. Also my blood pressure had seen better days and I didn’t even have the energy to get dressed 🙄

I went for the dreaded results....the CT is unclear, it’s not a cyst, it’s either a blood vessel.... or cancer... so on Friday I had an MRI and now the waiting starts over again.

I can’t thank everyone enough for their messages, might take me a while to reply sometimes but I really appreciate it, along with all of the lovely flowers from Amber Lodge, Andrea, Sammy, Rhian and my sister in law Leanne, I think we need to get some more vases!

I’ll be lucky to get 1 Pay Day chocolate bar!

I did manage to go to the beer garden with Andrea to meet my brother for a Diet Coke!! It was amazing, the sun was shining everyone was happy it really was lovely, hopefully there are more days like this to come!

For now I’m resting again in bed, trying to get the energy to strip the bed🙄 and trying not to think about the likely outcome of May 14th. Deep down I know what’s coming, I’m not right, somethings going on...

I’m not sure I can do it again.