I went back to work at the beginning of the year, was going well until I bloody fractured my neck of femur ... any who...
Then me and the boy brought a house -finally!!
A house we said we didn't really need to do much to... in fact the only room we didn't like was the bathroom and in a shocking twist of fate it's the only room that we haven't touched... so after smashing out the ceiling in the kitchen, ripping down all of the wall paper in every room, a complete re-wire (not on the spreadsheet or on the budget may I add) a new kitchen, front door
and loads of beautiful (vital) pieces from Betties Brocante Tamworth ( https://m.facebook.com/ShabitattVintage/?locale2=en_GB )
we had our first Xmas day together, me Arron, Fabio-Winston and Denzel Washington.
To be fair 2016 has been pretty dam good, we now have 2 nieces and 2 nephews - welcome Georgie Porgy
I also revisited my youth and went back to Maga, with my gorgeous Rebecca, didn't remember it back when I was 17 ..... not sure I remember it at 33 either.... we'll actually the hotel this time around was much improved (thanks http://www.bhmallorca.com/ )
I become god mother to 2 beautiful girls ❤️
Not to mention the arrival of Laiken Fletcher Crook💙
I went to Lords and got twatted on Pims as you do.....
And the day after this I said Yes !! - must have been my vocal talent that made him realise...
And then We fully embraced our new home, and when I say embraced, I mean that we pretty much live at the cocktail bar, and have convinced ourselves that it's actually cheaper to eat out....
Actually there was a period of time where I did actually start to cook, and as much As I tried to convince everyone it wasn't just a phase .... it lasted about 2-3 weeks max ... bored now ...
We had a fab weekend away to Dublin and I descovered that I like Guinness ...
And that letting your boyfriend (fiancé) and best friend pick your drink each time you go to the bar will only ever end up in disaster....
I dont like whiskey ... at all
But I do love going to the darts.... dressed at Daphne
And at last I get the letter to say I'm starting my reconstruction!!! Finally!! But as always there was a shocking twist of fate and my blood pressure decided to be a complete moron and go through the roof, operation cancelled, 24 hour blood pressure monitoring and 2 new pills to take daily....
Back on the waiting list.....
Oh and my leg is healing nicely... apparently... but the crutches remain ...
But I did managed to get in another few days in the sun, well when I managed to get up .....
First Christmas in our new house 🏡
We decided to have it just the two of us, and the guys obviously. And of course we had our London weekend (fave weekend of the year)
Lots of shopping, bubbles, delicious food, bubbles, F&M (que Arron almost having a mini stroke), games, room escaping oh and an arcade just for adults!!
We had to do our very own Xmas big shop... cheese and cava mainly, but Arron did manage to pull off an epic Xmas dinner, even if it was enough to feed all of the Fletchers and Iliffe's... it was the first time in years that I felt normal again, I even went to work Xmas morning.
Yep he has ketchup with everything... looser
Sometimes I think that I'm too happy... and that's actually really bloody scary.... keep waiting for something bad to happen, doesn't feel normal...
Anyway now Christmas is over it's full steam a head for The wedding... well after US Vacay.... and maybe, just maybe my reconstruction... that's if they don't cancel it again...
Hope not, I'm desperate to try on some dresses....
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