Monday 20 April 2015

Sandy kisses and salty toes.....

So I have just got back from a family weekend in Devon (sorry about the constant photo's taking over everyone's news feed), well actually 2 family weekends but no one likes a show off.

We have been a few times over the years (#MelonGate) but I can hand on heart say that these have been the best Fletcher/Iliffe/Clark/Whitehead trips by far, and im not even bothered that I couldn't fully indulge in long walks or extreme rock climbing/crabbing or drinking too much in the club house because im still recovering (yawn yes I know boring now) I will bring up the fact that no one won on the Bingo but im not going to let it spoil my mood.

Im not sure if it's the whole seeing life in a new light or a well earned time out from anything Cancer related or seeing the kids faces (and mine) light up when visiting the beach/going crabbing/going to Dinosaur Land/Running into the sea/ Easter egg hunting/driving on the part of the M5 past Bristol where you drive alongside the rocks and the ongoing traffic is lower than you on the way there and higher than you on the way back/cream teas/caravan smell/buying random crap that you don't need and looks s**t when you get home.

Who knows but I had an ace time and im counting down the days until the next one.

Just in case you haven't been on the Facebook/Instagram here are a few pics #sorryNotSorry #fam


  1. What lovely pics, glad you had a good time. It looks beautiful

  2. It looks like you had a lovely time! :)
    Mmnnn Cream Teas! Yummy!

  3. Glad u loved it . Is it Woolacombe beach ?
